Hosting webinars for free has long been the dream of many webmasters. It allows them to get the most benefit for their marketing dollars without having to invest into advertising or subscription costs. While there are many advantages to hosting these live webinars, there is also a downside that you must be aware of. Here are some of the downsides to hosting your webinars for free:
Your webinar needs to have some sort of audience response built in. This means that if you are wanting to host a webinar on ecards you will need to provide a way for people to leave their email addresses so they can respond to your webinar. There are many different options for audience response systems, such as an autoresponder, Aweber and many others. It is best to do a little research and find the right one for your specific needs before choosing to use a free webinar software system.
Paid webinar platforms work very differently than free webinar platforms. For example, they generally require you to provide a PayPal account as well as your contact information so that they can process your payments. They will also require that you agree to their terms of service in order to receive their services. These systems have become increasingly popular because they provide a more professional appearance to your webinar and they provide you with better functionality.
Some webinar platforms are a mixture of both free and paid webinars. Some of them offer all of the features of paid webinar platforms and some only offer a limited amount of features. Most of them are hosted by paid webinar platforms such as Aweber and Getresponse. You may also find free webinar platforms that offer free online webinar hosting and training to new participants. The majority of these systems include a support system that will help you if you experience any problems or difficulties.
If you are interested in how to use webinars for your online business, there are many different options out there. One option is to live webinars. Using live webinars allows you to interact with your attendees in real time via video. Many people prefer this type of interaction over a phone call because it is more personal and allows them to see how others feel about your product or service. There are many different webinar platforms available including Google Hangouts and Vimeo.
Another way to use webinars is through recording your presentation for later downloads. Some platforms for this include Vevo and Weitzman. Recording your webinar allows you to make multiple copies and distribute to attendees on a date and time that work for you. There are also platforms that allow you to create a video in real time that can be distributed to multiple attendees. These platforms generally have easy to use video editing features including trimming, cropping and changing colors.
You can also try webinars through a free trial of Bluejeans Events. Most of the webinar services that offer a free trial to allow you to access real time audio and video conferencing. This allows you to conduct a hands-on interactive session with your employees for up to 30 days straight. There is no cost to participate in the free trial and many webinars allow you to simply download the file and save it to your hard drive. Many Bluejeans Events hosts websites that offer free registration for up to seven days.
What Exactly Do You Want To Tell Your Leads At A Webinar?
This is the big question mark, and without knowing who your client is, you can’t ever really tell what will work or what will not work. This is a critical question, as you want to have the best possible training for your audience, so you must make sure they are interested in your topic before you ever plan to give them a webinar.
Important Points to Remember
● Think about your objectives and what you hope to achieve from holding the webinar. For example, generate new leads, convert prospects into customer, build your brand etc.
● Select your target audience carefully – determine your buyer persona – this will help you target your content to their specific pain points
● Have a pre-tested script to use at each webinar
● Make sure that you make the content of the webinar informative and helpful – don’t just pitch your offer
● Choose the webinar topic wisely because if you have a webinar related to your business, many will think that you are just spamming the show with your own product, thus turning them off and keeping them away from the webinar. However, if the topics are related to your audience and are full of helpful tips, your audience will be more inclined to think that you are doing them a favour by holding the webinar
● Consider asking their permission before you pitch your offer
How Do I Setup a Zoom Webinar
Zoom video webinar allows you to broadcast a Zoom meeting for up to 10,000 view-only attendees, depending on your licence. Their licenses start at a capacity of 100 participants and upto 10,000 participants. As the host, it allows you to share your computer screen and audio in a webinar and allows attendees to ask questions using the online chat function.
Attendees have the ability to join by clicking a provided link at the date and time of the webinar. Events can be held once or as a series of events.
You can learn more about Zoom webinars here.
In conclusion, one of the best ways to host a webinar for free is through using webinars as a complement to your existing business communications strategy. Not only do webinars provide a way for you to interact with your current and potential customers, but they can also help to build brand recognition and generate sales leads. Webinars that feature a variety of methods of communication, including visual, audio, text and video conferencing allow you to increase your sales output and improve your return on investment.
Here’s a useful video on how to create a webinar for free!