A Guide to TikTok Marketing for Small Businesses

A Guide to TikTok Marketing for Small Businesses

Marketing & Advertising, Social Media
  Welcome to The Journey Today we've got a quick guide to TikTok marketing for small and medium-sized companies. So the one constant you can count on with social media is that it's always reforming. Really when you think one programme has managed to monopolize this space, then others come along and the landscape transforms. Right now TikTok is one of the most popular and potent social media stages on the planet. Is TikTok Just for the Young? And while the younger generation were once the central TikTok demographic, as the popularity of the short-form video sharing stage ripens, droves of millennials are also flocking to this platform. Whether it's to consume or only invest hours a day watching other beings do random things, or if it's starting content for…
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How to Create A Webinar for Free

How to Create A Webinar for Free

Marketing & Advertising, Social Media
Hosting webinars for free has long been the dream of many webmasters. It allows them to get the most benefit for their marketing dollars without having to invest into advertising or subscription costs. While there are many advantages to hosting these live webinars, there is also a downside that you must be aware of. Here are some of the downsides to hosting your webinars for free: Your webinar needs to have some sort of audience response built in. This means that if you are wanting to host a webinar on ecards you will need to provide a way for people to leave their email addresses so they can respond to your webinar. There are many different options for audience response systems, such as an autoresponder, Aweber and many others. It…
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