One common dilemma that beginner marketers often face is whether they should use to sell their digital product… or if they should use a digital marketplace like WarriorPlus.

There are pros and cons to both – but which one you decide to go with will depend on your business model and your marketing objectives.

In this article, we’ll compare both platforms using different metrics to determine which one is the best marketplace to sell digital products. Let’s begin!


The biggest difference between and WarriorPlus is that the former is an all-in-one platform but the latter is only a digital marketplace.

WarriorPlus pales in comparison here.

When you sign up for a free account with, you’ll get these features:

    •  2000 Contacts
    • Unlimited emails
    • 3 Sales funnels
    • 15 Sales funnel steps
    • 1 Blog
    • Unlimited blog posts
    • 1 Course
    • Unlimited students
    • 1 Community
    •  Unlimited community members
    • Unlimited file storage space
    • 1 Automation rule
    • 1 Workflow
    • 1 Tag
    • 1 Email campaigns
    • 1-click upsells
    • 1 Order bump
    • 1 A/B test
    • 1 Coupon code
    • And much more!

And this is just the free plan!

In terms of value, is miles ahead of WarriorPlus (W+).

You can’t send emails with W+ because it has no autoresponder. You can’t build sales pages with it because it has no page builder. You can’t build a blog on WarriorPlus either.

But you can do all of this with So if you’re looking for a solid platform with multiple well-integrated tools, you’ll definitely want to go with

  •         Fees/Pricing

While you can make money with, as your business grows, you’ll want to upgrade to get higher limits such as more sales funnels, email contacts, etc.

The image below will show Systeme’s pricing structure… VS WarriorPlus to Sell Digital Products

With WarriorPlus, there is no monthly fee because it’s a sales platform that’s designed to help sellers.

It’s similar to other platforms such as Gumroad, Digistore24, etc.

What WarriorPlus does is that it charges a small fee on each sale that you process on the platform. This excludes PayPal or Stripe’s fee which you’ll need to pay too.

Here’s a screenshot of WarriorPlus’ fee schedule… VS WarriorPlus to Sell Digital Products

Basically, the more you sell on W+, the lower the fees you’ll pay. You’re rewarded for being active on the platform. charges no fees. So it may seem like you’ll earn more by selling on Systeme… BUT… don’t be too quick to make a decision yet.

There is something that WarriorPlus has that will result in you making far more sales despite their fees.

And this brings us to the next point…

  •         Affiliate opportunities

This is where WarriorPlus truly shines.

There are thousands of affiliates registered with WarriorPlus. While most will not bring in many sales, there is a significant percentage of them who can truly get you hundreds of sales.

Of course, you’ll need to network and build a relationship with the affiliates before they’ll promote you – but once you do, it’s far easier to sell more units of your product on W+ because it’s teeming with eager affiliates. is quite far behind in this aspect. While it does have some good affiliates, the numbers are nowhere close to W+.

Besides having affiliates to promote your product, you’ll also have more opportunities to be an affiliate for other marketers’ products.

When it comes to product launches, WarriorPlus is extremely popular with vendors. You’re spoiled for choice because there are just so many products you can promote.

WarriorPlus also has several other advantages such as…

  •         Affiliate Contests | Tracking | Data

While is a generalist and tries to offer you a slew of features that will help you in your business, WarriorPlus is mostly focused on one thing – maximizing sales.

On W+, you’ll be able to hold affiliate contests to motivate affiliates to compete for more sales. The data, metrics and tracking on WarriorPlus is far superior to what you’ll find on

While does have an affiliate program feature for you to recruit your own affiliates and get them to promote your digital products – the hard truth is that many affiliates are already signed up on WarriorPlus.

Several of them will find it a hassle to sign up with your affiliate program just to promote you. With W+, it’s as simple as one click to get approved and get your affiliate link.

W+ provides you with a ton of data to help you improve your marketing and sales. doesn’t give you as much data.

WarriorPlus’ tracking is excellent too… and the stats update in real-time.

  •         Limitless sales funnels

With, the only way you’ll get limitless sales funnels will be to sign up with the Unlimited plan – BUT you’ll have a page builder to build out all your sales pages in order to sell digital products.

WarriorPlus allows you to create unlimited products and funnels. There is no plan to sign up for.

However, you’ll need your own website and a page builder like OptimizePress to create your sales pages. You’ll then have to add the WarriorPlus buttons on these pages.

So you’ll need your own domain and must pay for your own page builder. Which option is better will depend on your personal preferences and budget.

  •         What do YOU want?

If you already have your own website and a page builder, you may choose to go with WarriorPlus to sell digital products when it comes time to launch your product.

That said, you may still wish to get an account with Systeme. With all its features, you can still use it to sell digital products to your list without any affiliates.

You’ll not need to pay fees to WarriorPlus and will keep most of your profits.

This is not a mutually-exclusive decision.

You can use both platforms – WarriorPlus for larger-scale product launches & for private product releases.

This will allow you to get the best of both worlds. By not putting all your eggs in one basket, your business will face lower risks too.

Both are solid platforms and shine in different areas.

Your best option will be to sign up for both platforms, leverage them where necessary, and take your online business to the next level!

    1. Join Here
    2. Join WarriorPlus Here