Time Management Mistakes

Are you an internet marketer who finds it difficult to stay focused and stay on task? If so, you have a time management problem. The first step in curing a time management problem is to know what the problems are.

So, how do you know what your time management problems are? An easy approach is to examine common time management mistakes and see if they apply to you.


Mistake #1 – Not Realizing Time is Money

Whether you sell your internet marketing services or use internet marketing to drive traffic to a website or blog where you sell a product, service, or generate income through affiliate links, time is money. Your ability to market a product, service, website, or blog, is what generates income. When you are successful, you make a sale or receive an advertisement click.

The ability to make money based on your productivity is a unique opportunity. In the corporate world, it doesn’t matter how efficient and productive an employee is, they usually receive the same paycheck week after week. Since you have a unique opportunity, realize the potential. Remembering that time is money can serve as a source of motivation.

Mistake #2 – Using the Internet for Personal Communication

Yes, the internet makes it easy to stay in contact with friends and family. You are encouraged to do so, but on your own personal time. If you are working from 9 am to 3 pm, work only. Do not check your email, unless for business purposes only, avoid instant messaging programs, and so forth.

When you take the ability to socialize away from the internet, you will find it easier to manage your time and tasks.

Mistake #3 – Not Knowing Where You Are Wasting Time

Unfortunately, many home based workers waste time without realizing they are doing so. Many think that quickly checking their email won’t waste time, but it can. What if you check your email multiple times a day? You could waste as much as 15 minutes or more. That doesn’t count the time you may spend responding, clicking on links, and so forth.

Yes, it is important to start managing your time and right away, but first complete a trial run. Have a pen and paper handy and go about your day. Each time you find yourself stepping away from work, record the time and what you are doing. No that you know what your distractions are, eliminate them.


Mistake #4 – Allowing Distractions

Once you determine what distracts you from completing your daily internet marketing tasks, it is important to eliminate them. Do you use instant messaging programs to communicate with others for personal reasons, not business? If so, disconnect the program. When you do, it no longer becomes an issue.

In addition to eliminating distractions online, look at your surroundings. If you work from home, it is easy to find many distractions. Background noise is ideal for some, but do you find yourself watching television instead of working? If so, shut it off. Do not answer your phone. Instead, use caller identification and an answering machine so you can be alerted in an emergency. Otherwise, do answer the phone.

Mistake #4 – Justifying Your Actions

When may realize their common distractions, most will take steps to eliminate the problem, but others tend to justify it. Do not do this, as it will not improve your time management skills.

A unique way to market a website, blog, product, or service is with the use of applicable internet forums. For example, do you sell a dog obedience eBook? If so, create a message board signature with a link and a catchy sales phrase. Each time you post a message, your link will appear below. So, this approach involves chatting on internet forums. Do so, but only in moderation. Set aside a specific block of time, such as 30 minutes or 1 hour. Do not spend all day socializing and justifying your actions by claiming it is a marketing tactic.